Hey all,
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving! You guys are probably still eating, and if so, give my love to the whole family! And Oshbe, Trina, etc. (probably slaughtered the spelling, so maybe just tell them
). This Thanksgiving has just not been the same without all of you and Mom's yams. Have a few extras for me.
This last week has been super crazy busy, but I feel like that's not going to change any time soon as a missionary. We have been doing a bunch of finding and teaching, Elder Legault and I really want to finish his mission with a baptism, and we've been working hard to try to see that! One of our investigators, Ann, told us last night that she believes that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that made me SO FREAKING HAPPY! I never realized how much hearing people say that would mean too me. I heard it so much on Fast Sunday, but really those two basic truths change the lives of people. So when you hear someone say that next month, I hope you can think about what it means to you all. We also found a sweet new gator, his name is Garth, he's from Jamaica, 23, and has the most real intent to know this is true than anyone I've ever seen! He's so awesome! We can tell just how prepared he's been for the gospel, and he's so committed to finding an answer for himself.
We also had Zone Conference this Tuesday, and it was so cool! It was a really powerful experience for me on how I learn and can improve. President Pratt read a little from a book about an early missionary in the Canada Halifax mission, Joseph Millet, (who just so happens to be Elder Boardman's great ancestor) and his experience here, and how he is not that different from us. His Mission President even had the same name, Pratt! I think the book is called something like "Why the Church is as True as the Gospel." sounds like an interesting read, so maybe you want to check it out.
Today was also pretty fun. We went to Presque-Isle this morning to play some football with the Ward there and the missionaries, and that was a lot of fun. We also had dinner with the Granges, Redmond's, and Eric Pfiel, and that was super good too. Brother Grange made a really really good turkey, and they gave us a ton of left overs too, which should be nice! Missed having toll house pie, but it was still really great. We also taught them about Light the World, and some things they can do to be involved in that, and once the video is released tomorrow, we will be helping them get there friends involved in it too!
In answer to some of your questions, it's kinda funny, we've eaten with the other missionaries' investigators more than with members. We've been to two dinners with members, where as we've gone to three dinners with Renault and Romeo, some investigators who are really close to baptism. They're awesome, they make so much food, and the other Elders eat there a ton, which seems to be good, they're progressing forward.
A typical Sunday meeting for me starts with setting up church. Since we meet in the hotel, we have to go 30 mins early to set it up, although as of late we've been slacking. We bring the hymn books, French and English, the sacrament stuff, except for the bread, and a back up piano (in case Sis Johnson can't come and bring her's, she can plug in a pedal into her keyboard). We have sacrament meeting for the first hour, and then there's primary 2nd hour on one side of the room while the rest of the adults meet for Gospel doctrine. We only have two hours for now, but that will probably change in the future.
I use Duolingo a little bit for language study. Yes, it is on our laptop in our apartment, and we use it to try to build vocab, but it's not really something we do a ton. We read the scriptures, I do work out of the grammar book I got in the MTC, study Preach My Gospel in French, do roleplays with Elder Legault, etc... the more speaking the better.
Currently I'm in Helaman 5 in my Book of Mormon reading, thinking I can finish by the end of the year. I read a little bit every day for part of personal study, before I start studying a topic I want to learn more about. I don't know what book of scripture's going to take it's place yet, I want to read and study the Doctrine and Covenants, but I LOVE the New Testament (I know how you feel dad). I guess I'll figure it out when I finish.
Anyway, love you all. I'm so grateful for all of you and the chance I've had to know all of you! Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!
Je vous aime!
Elder Marsh
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