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Bonjour Encore!

Bonjour encore!

Soooo, didn't get a weekly from home as of yet, so I guess I'll try to finish answering questions from last week. 
Elder Greenburg's awesome! I've been getting along great with him. He was actually assigned English speaking, but after serving in Bathurst with Elder Carlson, he started learning french, and President Pratt has let him keep it up. He actually served with Elder Debry as well, which is pretty cool. Some things that are awesome about him: He has a crazy good mind for the scriptures, he has them practically memorized after reading them a couple times, (Not John Quist status, but he could definitely achieve it) he's very diligent, he works really hard at whatever he does, and he has an impeccable yoda impersonation. Listening to yoda read the scriptures is some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard. 
Elder Pierson's pretty awesome too! He's very organized, and he really likes to clean, which is pretty nice. He's a lot like Elder Legault, and another Elder here, Elder Madsen. which is kinda interesting. Both of them were/are fantastic missionaries, so it'll be interesting. He's also a picky eater, haha. It's always interesting cooking for him, it's very suprising the things he turns his nose up too, but then others he loves. But he's very funny as well.
Currently it is dumping snow, and the library is closing in 15 minutes because of it. I'll finish emailing at our apartment, so hopefully you can send an email. I'll send some pictures then too. 

Elder Marsh

Part 2:
Whoo! Go Utes!!! Dang, sounds like they're going to have a good year! Hope the tradition of Utes having really good years of BBall while a Marsh missionary's out might continue. 

We met a woman the other day who told us we didn't believe as much in Christ because we believed he called prophets again. That was kinda interesting. We talked to her about how God had called prophets in the past, and how he's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and about how Christ himself called apostles to lead his church after he left, but I guess that didn't matter to her. She told us that she would pray for us, so we could find the truth, which was kinda funny for me, because we fulfill conditions for being "saved" in most Christian faiths, but because we believe that God continues to speak with us and correct us, we are not Christians, as some people have explained it to me. (Don't know if this should go out to everyone, as someone, somewhere will probably get offended, as this "white, mormon, male is judging and misrepresenting my faith" haha) 

Also found a new investigator, her name is Robyn, she's a very nice single young mom who has been to the church before, she has some mormon friends. We talked to her about where she is now, and a little bit about the Restoration. She said that she wanted to know if it was true, which is always pretty cool to hear. 

We watched both the announcement and the press conference, and I was very impressed as well. 

Ellie, In response to your questions, I'd say that it's been a really good missionary experience, I can't really pick out specific points that are more awesome than others, you have a lot! Feeling like God's supporting you in every act you make is incredible. Favorite scripture, I'm going to have to pass on that one. There are WAAAAYY to many to pick from. We eat with members a surprising amount. And we've gotten a LOT of snow. like a LOT. On some of the snow banks you are higher than houses. In the one I took a picture of, I could almost touch a power line. Could've if I jumped. 

Dad, as mentioned above, excited about the Utes season. I don't know how good both of the Washington's teams are this year, but that sounds promising. Also, I got a picture of me wearing your tie. I wore it once earlier the week, but I didn't get a picture of it. Hope you feel like I love it. Cause I do. Good luck on the NYC event, that sounds like it's going to be awesome! Can't wait to hear how the speaking part goes. Dare you to finish "in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." haha

For all of you, hope you know how much I love you! Also, I highly recommend for all of you to read "The power of Everyday Missionaries." It's a super good book about how we can be better missionaries, that actually are fulfilling God's commands and promises. 

Love you all. I think I have a lot of advice for going on a mission, but I don't think I would have seen the significance of it before. I'd say one of them is being 100% responsible, for what happens, who you are, where you are spiritually, and then take action to improve. Read the Book of Mormon. I wish I had done that more consistently before my mission. Be patient. Study Preach my Gospel. 

You guys are the best.

Elder Marsh


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