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Some cool news

Hey everyone!

Good to hear that you had a good birthday mom! It was definitely weird to see the picture of everyone eating Valentines crepes, and to see that Dad's in my spot. It was definitely easier to enjoy cool dinners when I wasn't making them. I normally cook for everyone, which is pretty fun, but it chews up my dinner time. I sure appreciete cooking time more mom. For our Valentines day, I made a Tollhouse pie, and brought it to district meeting. Everyone loved it. Also made the Broccoli Chicken Casserole today. (Also, don't remember or not if you sent me the recipe for the roast you would always make back home, but because I can spend a little bit more time on p day making food, I like making something better today. Maybe for another pday?)

We got our smartphones!!! Currently I am writing this email from my new phone! I got some pictures of all of us emailing. It's pretty cool! We have a lot more chances to talk to and communicate with people, it's really cool to see the cnanges this will bring. We're still getting used to it, but it's been pretty good so far! 

One thing that we're going to have to do though is spend a bunch of time updating the area book to the app. We have time every day for eight weeks to record the old records and put the info into the app. So I bought this little keyboard to make it easier for me to type! Definitely been handy so far. 

Also, pretty jealous with the photos. I thought that the camp was going to be in California, I didn't know that Tony was coming to SLC!!! That's super cool! And huge thanks to you Boo, getting my ball signed! You're the best. Also, I see that Bjorn took Jonas's cap. I guess that's pretty cool. 

Glad the conference went super well! That sounds like everyone liked it too, which is sweet. To be honest, I do miss shovelling our driveway back home. It's SO much easier to shovel a driveway that is paved with concrete. Gravel sucks. Although, Canada makes better shovels than the ones back home. It's kinda cool, they have ones that are normal, just for scooping, but they also have scraping shovels, which are super nice for somewhat lighter snow (especially on pavement). And, the Book of Mormon is true.😊

One problem I have is this thing is very picky about what things I seem to be able to do and can't. For example, Elder Smith has literally the exact same phone as me, but for some reason his phone lets him see emails at the same time as replying, but mine won't. So forgive me if I miss something. 

The Caribou Elders got my package, but they didn't give it to me, which wasn't cool. They left a ton of their stuff here when they were on exchanges, and we gave it back to them, but they forgot my stuff. rip.

I think the hardest thing this week was Sunday. On Sunday we got to the Travel Lodge, where we have church, and they had given our room to some guys going snowmobiling, and they got pissed when we told them that we had rented the room. We talked to the management, and they said they thought it would be ok because we'd be able to use their other room, which has about 6 or 7 stairs to enter. It's a nicer room, undoubtedly, but there's a real problem because we need multiple rooms, and Sister Johnson cannot use stairs, she needs a walker, and cannot walk on stairs whatsoever. So we were scrambling a bit. They let us use this little laundry closet that they cleaned out, and was WAY to small. We did our best, but it was stupidly hot. 

And then I had to give a talk. I learned about that the night before as well, because the speakers lined up both cancelled, they wouldn't be able to make it. Sooo, I did the best I could. I talked about living the Doctrine of Christ, and how we need to have faith, hope and charity. I couldn't help but remembering that Grandpa Marsh had given a wonderful talk about that, and it would've been real nice to draw from it. It's ok though, because now, I'll be able to access anything I write about anywhere. Anyway, that was pretty stressful, but we did the best we could. 

Randie and Yvan are doing pretty awesome. They're super busy, but the smartphones are going to be super useful for staying in contact. We found a new Ami as well, her name is Josee Anne, and she was talking about how this was a sign that God was looking out for her, which is super cool to see her recognize. Gary has been having some pretty bad health problems, which sucks. Philip didn't come to church, when he said he will, so we think we're not going to be able to keep teaching him. He just won't keep our commitments, so that sucks. 

Oh yea, President Pratt told me that I'm going to France.

Love ya, 
Elder Marsh


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