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Wow, no reason to be bitter...

The subject line is because I told him in no uncertain terms that cliffhanger sentences like the one in his last email were unacceptable. 😂

Hey all, 
       Happy anniverary mom and dad! Glad to hear that you liked the movie. I heard from some members that it was really good, but it was too much like the other Marvel movies. 
       Still haven't gotten my package. Haven't had a chance to see the Caribou Elders, so it's taking it's time. It's normally just better to send stuff to Erich, because it's super easy to get my stuff. Only problem is that I don't know if I'll be here next transfer or not...hehe.
       One thing that was pretty weird is how crazy the temperature has been this last week. We literally went from wearing no coats, I was sweating in my sweater, and then the very next day we go back to absolutely freezing and snowing. It really sucks, because it melts the snow and leaves a ton of water, and then freezes, and makes it really slick. 
       One thing I thought was pretty funny is that this week in testimony meeting (this coming Sunday is stake conference, so they moved it) Brother Johnson said something pretty funny. He talked about how last week, when we got shoved into the other room, it reminded him a lot about the humble circumstances of Jesus's birth, because there was no room for them in the (Quality) Inn, which is the name of where we meet. 
       We've been doing a lot of finding, this last week we haven't had a chance to see a ton of people, so we've just been out knocking a ton! We've met some pretty weird people. Like really weird. We had this referral who was willing to listen until she learned that we celebrate Christmas, and then called us a bunch of pagans. Also met this fellow who looked like a modern drunk Gimli. We also met a couple cool people too, we're going to try to go back in a couple days to teach them. 
       We did have a chance to teach Allan, though, and it went really well. We taught him about the Word of Wisdom, and how he'll get blessings as he continues to be obedient. 
      One thing I am really grateful for this week is the power we have to choose. We have the power to choose happiness or frustration or anger or misery, or whatever the choice we make. What an incredible gift! Now, we don't get to choose our actions, and then our consequences, they are linked. We can't choose to do evil and recieve good. We can choose to be patient, and for answers to come, especially those cliffhangers at the end of email...
       You know, I kinda want to let it wait another week before I explain myself, but I know that wouldn't be fair to everyone else. (But to let you know, I sent an email explaining it to Boo, letting him tell you if you wanted, so either he didn't want to tell you, or he didn't look at his email.) As you know, the Dyvrandes, the family on St. Pierre, are the only members living there. President Pratt told all of the French missionaries that they would have a chance to go to St. Pierre to work on the island and teach them. So Elder Greenburg and I will go to St. Pierre (Which is a part of France) for like a weekend to spend the time there. Don't know all of the details, but it will happen eventually. It also makes me think that Elder Greenburg and I will stay together another transfer, but nothing has been confirmed yet. 
       I love you all! Have a good week. Also, I saw a photo from your event dad, it looked like it went pretty good. How's the bball going? Want more updates!
Elder Marsh

P.S. Oops, forgot photos. Also, never heard of Vergreville. If its in Quebec I'll never have a chance to hear. 
1—Me. It's warm. Sweating in my sweater.
2—Me. It's cold. What is this place?

3—Our car. Thought it looked like a car commercial. (Deep car commercial voice) "The brand-old Nissan 2015 rogue base edition. It doesn't have seat warmers. It has an awful turn radius. Now featuring a little passive aggressive computer that tells you how to drive. Coming to missions near you!"
4—A menu from a restaurant where we tried meeting a referral. I feel like it's really awkward to order sometimes.
5—I made burgers. Everyone loved it.


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