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Hello again!

Bonjour everyone!

First, I FINALLY GOT MY PACKAGE! Goodness that took a while. I thank you all for the notes, I loved hearing from all of you! Also, Shawn, thanks for the chips, beans and salsa. Weren't too substantial, but it's the thought that counts! (I'll look over the fact that you wrote #6 not 4, haha (unless it was for Miles)). The Elders at Woodstock finally gave it to me. I was kinda confused at first, because it was already opened, the Woodstock Elders said that the Border Guard opened it up, but I wouldn't put it past them to open it up and see if I had any goodies. I was missing Bishop Allen's talk, and I doubt that the Border Guard took that... 

Also, I want to qualify why I didn't write so much the other week. We had a pretty crazy day, we drove down to Miramichi, and I had just a little time to write an LTP and a weekly. It had NOTHING to do with the sports updates. Psyched to hear that the Utes are going to the NIT finals. Just one request, put the final score in the subject so I can see it before next P day, haha. 

Stoked to hear that the boys beat PC. Keep up the good work, y'all make me proud! #sharkbait

Anyway, to answer questions. Nik, and Rachelle are a family, they have a daughter, Marie Soleil, and Nik has a son, Gabriel. Tommy is Nik's best friend, and just hangs out at their home all day, probably because it would be pretty lonely for him otherwise. They had met the missionaries for a couple years, on and off. A while ago, when Elder Sawa-Sawa (he was in my picture with the Dyvrandes at the temple) was here in Bathurst, he found them again and started teaching them. It's continued onward. 

We're also teaching a former investigator through facebook right now. Her name is Kit, she's moving to Fredricton, so were passing her off to the sisters there, but it's really cool how we've been able to reach out and teach through facebook. She hasn't meet with the missionaries for about 3 months, but she still prays everyday and is about 140 pages into the Book of Mormon, so she's doing pretty good. 

We do most of our finding through knocking, although right now we are working on changing that to working with the members more. Throughout the mission we haven't been applying what the prophets have taught us about working with members, so we're really trying to change that. 

I'll be going to St. Pierre the 18th-20th, so far. The 18th is Meddy's birthday, and they really were hoping that we'd be able to come. As I am the one who makes the plans, it's looking like it's going to happen then. It's not all of the French missionaries at the same time. It will just be Elder Greenberg and me this time. Then, in two transfers another pair will go. 

The Dyvrandes skype into Edmundston for Sacrament meeting, but have special permission to bless it themselves. We were teaching them Sunday School, but that is going to be Edmunston Elders who teach that now. Instead, we'll be doing home teaching, and helping them learn how to do home teaching. 

Yes, Elder Boardman went to Cottonhood. Err, Comptonwood. Ahem. Cottonwood. There, came out right this time. We looked it up on Google maps once, we were only 8 minutes away, which is crazy, that we could live so close and never know each other. I had seen him before, at the Olympus parking lot, but didn't know who he was. Long story. 

Hmm. I've had a lot of good food. Pretty much all of it is awesome. The Asian here stinks unless you make it, but it's pretty easy to make, and much cheaper. Something the kids would probably hate that I ate not too long ago was Salted Cod and potatoes. It's very Acadian. You cut potatoes. You boil the potatoes. You don't put in the work to mash the potatoes. You take some Cod. You throw it in a ton of salt. You leave it there for a while, and then put it in the sun. Then you put it in more salt. And then you boil it. You have to replace the water three times, because it's too salty. And then you serve. Don't feel too bad though, because we've definitely had plenty of good stuff too. And here in Bathurst, the members and Nik and Rachelle and Tommy feed us a ton.

Love you lots,
Elder Marsh

P.S. You can stop complaining about the schedule. Also, that's a photo of the Mirimichi bridge. It's rated as like the sketchiest bridge in Canada or something. Pretty though.


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