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Hello from France!

Hey everybody! 

Sorry for the confusion last week. I didn't get to read your email before I sent mine, but I was able to read it really quick before p day ended, because we were at the church. To explain, the method we had was different in Edmundston than in Bathurst. At Edmundston, we had internet all the time, and a laptop. In Bathurst, no such luck. The only time I have internet is at the church. So to give you the cut off time, we leave the church Monday at 2 (our time) so as long as you write before then, I can see it. Otherwise, I'll only have what's already on my phone to read.

Also, thanks so much to the Barnes! I loved your little Easter package and notes. You guys are the best!

This last week has been crazy!!! Since last p day a ton has gone down. 

Thursday night, we started the stop smoking program with Tommy. Tommy's a beast, hes been making so much progress, it's insane. We had our exchange with Miramichi elders this last week, Elders Johnson and Henstra came up to Bathurst for Saturday. I had a good day of finding with Elder Johnson, while Elder Henstra went with Elder Boardman to Nik and Rachelle, to help Tommy out. And crap hit the fan. Without going into too many details, there were some serious health problems with Nik, and then Tommy was worrying so much about Nik he started smoking again. We aren't so worried about Tommy, because he knows he can stop, and he wants to, and is starting the program again. We're more worried about Nik, because we don't want his health to get worse. We had a branch bowling night, which was lots of fun too. Sunday was really good, Brother Grant and Brother Gallant spoke, and they were both awesome talks. Brother Gallant was talking about how by recording spiritual experiences in his journal, it's helped him throughout his life to recognize revelation. I really like it, it was very similar to what Garry said in his note. (Again, thanks a ton!)

Then, we had a linger-longer at the church, which is always fun. After that, we met up with the Edmundston elders, and Elder Greenburg and I drove to Halifax Monday morning, showed up to the mission office, dropped off our car, and left for the airport. 

It was a pretty small flight. It was the first time I've flown in a propeller plane. We got to Saint Pierre and have been working since. 

Saint Pierre is flipping awesome! It's very small, but very pretty. Everyone walks here, which is a missionary's dream. People love talking to us too. There are a lot of really cool people we've met and had a chance to share a little bit with. It's total French, which is awesome!!! It's beautiful French too, very clear and easy to understand! 

We've been staying at the Dyvrandes. They are just the best. Solid in the gospel. We did a family home evening with them, a lesson the other day, primary with Meddy, language studies, etc... we tried playing French scrabble, it's pretty hard. Today's Meddy's birthday. We took a bunch of treats to his class, and from what Meddy told us, all of the kids thought we were handsome... but when he told us that to Jean Claude and Nathalie, we all thought he said his teacher, which was pretty funny. 

Looking forward to 9 more hours of driving over the next two days. But... we're getting a new car! A new Nissan Rogue. 

I'm excited that you get to go to Hamilton! How did you get the tickets for that, you were saying you couldn't go a while ago? 

There is something that I do need. I still need an oil vial. I think I talked about that a bit before, but mine broke on my keychain, and got lost. 

To answer if I've had a hard time, I don't know. It depends on what you define as a hard time. I've never felt like I shouldn't be here, or been depressed. Of course I've had times where I miss you guys, or don't want to go outside, or I want to take a nap, or all kinds of things. But I guess I don't really care about them, because they're not important, they don't stop me. Feeling down doesn't control me... don't know if that answers your question, but then again, maybe I'm just not human.

Love you guys! I'm going to sent a few photos too, you will not believe the sunrise we had the other day.

Elder Marsh

P.S. Sorry if it's a little scatterbrained. We didn't have a true p day to write, so I'm just trying to send off what I have. Love ya lots!


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