Bonjour tout le monde!
Woohoo! Go SkOly! 2nd place in state is huge! Way to go team!!!!
I wish I had a lot to talk about this week, but I really can't think of a lot. We taught Tanya again, we talked about continuing to study and how to do that, so that was pretty good. She still wants to get baptized, which is good, but doesn't want to pick a date yet. Wednesday we started a digital finding blitz, so everyone in the mission has been adding more people on Facebook and messaging them, and really trying to learn how to find through Social media. There have been some funny bits, lots of miracles, it's been good!
We found some cool people this week, one was Betty, she was a self referral, she looked up the Kirtland temple, wanted to learn more about the Church, so she called them, the temple site directed her to call the mission office, which she did, and then the mission office told us about her. She lives out by Campbellton, which is good, because it helps us be more effective with our time when we drive there, (2 hours driving in a misisonaries day is a lot!!!) and Alexandre is really good at helping with this.
We also found a guy named Yanik! Elder Pierson added him on facebook, and talked with him, and he said that he was interested in learning more. So we taught the Restoration, he said that he wanted to read the Book of Mormon and learn more. So afterwards, we had a call with Alexandre, and we told him about it, and it turns out they are really good friends, they grew up together! It's really cool to see how much he's sharing the Gospel with his friends, and how much they really are interested. It's taught me a lot, that when we don't have fear of sharing what brings us happiness, we really do see people want to learn more. I think the one thing I've seen stop people from sharing the gospel more than anything else is fear, and he has none!
We had a linger longer here, and that was lots of fun! Miramichi elders also came up for exchanges, and it went really well!
There is still snow, believe it or not. We drove past a bank of snow that was still bigger than our car up in Campbellton, and I got a photo. You can't really tell super well in it, because one thing Canada does with it's snow it just dump dirt on it and call it the new street. (Literally. They just put dirt and rocks on the snow and ice, and have you drive around on it.) So there's a lot of dirt on top of it, but I know what it is...
Q: What do you have to do as district leader for the regular district, as opposed to French district leader?
I'm guessing it's pretty similar to what a district leader would do for your mission. (I'd actually be interested in learning about what they would do) I report keys for the district, run district meeting, make a training plan for the district, follow up with how they are doing, go on exchanges with the elders, etc.. I go to district leader conferences when they happen, and there's a leadership conference for the entire mission that I'm going to this week, but other than that it's probably pretty normal.
Anyway, love you all! Sorry this is a little shorter, I just don't feel like I have really anything interesting to say...
Love ya!
Elder Marsh
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