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City Life

Hey everyone!

This was another busy and fun week! Moncton is super fun, I've been loving it here. It is so awesome to be serving in a city, I love it so much. And, I'm in a ward! This is the first time I've been in a ward, not a branch. It was really cool to see all of the people who come to church, I've gone from about 20 people at church to almost 100! It's definitely going to take more time to learn everyone's names tho, haha.

There are two sets of missionaries here, one's area is for Moncton, and another for Dieppe. But we end up sharing a lot anyway, because French people live all over. The other missionaries are Elder Sawa-Sawa and Elder Day. They are both super awesome, I'm looking forward to working more with them. 

Up till now I've been doing a lot of planning, working on a training plan for the district. It's been cool to see the inspiration that comes as I've made them, they really are from God. This is the third time making one for me, and after I make it, looking over it really has made me recognize the inspiration that I received. So I'm excited to put it all into place for this transfer.

Basically, having such a big district means I'm always busy. My 9-10 time when I was getting ready for bed is now spent on the phone, and when I look at the clock and see I have 5 minutes left, I madly dash around, to brush my teeth and change out of my shirt and tie. It's pretty fun. Thankfully I have some awesome zone leaders, (I happen to live with them) they help me out a ton by calling members of my district and following up with them when I don't have the time. 

We have some pretty cool investigators here. We just picked up a guy named Eli yesterday. He has already started reading the Book of Mormon, and wants to know if it's true. We also are working with a couple, named Ally and Eric. They are pretty cool, they're working on getting married and baptized for July 7th. They both came to church this Sunday and loved it! We are also teaching a guy named Philippe, but I haven't met him yet. We just said goodbye to this family we were teaching, they moved back to the Caribbean for the summer, hopefully they will be able to be taught by the missionaries there. 

As to why I don't send photos, I do it from my phone, and I get forgetful and/or lazy, and normally remember at like 6, after p day ends.

Also, we went to Costco this week for shopping! I never thought I'd ever enjoy that, but it was awesome! Only problem is that milk, eggs and meat are super expensive in Canada, so we had to go to Walmart anyway to buy that. It still felt a lot like home though!

 I also have a photo of us all at brother Williams for dinner, and one of elder Smith and I driving back from Cap-PelĂ© with a member named Jasper (who's awesome btw) but he's hiding from the camera.

Love you all! Hope you have another good week. Try to catch up on sleep mom, haha!

Elder Marsh


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