Hey all,
Man, it sounds like life's been really crazy! You're getting a job? That's way cool! You'd be so good at that too! You did such a good job on making our travel plans for Europe!
It sounds like you had a really good Sunday. I wish I could see Braxton's homecoming, I gotta say that I really look up to the guy. That sounds like it was a really good talk. I can definitely second his promise, I've seen answers come through the Book of Mormon as well! I had a pretty good Sunday too. I also got to speak in church. I talked about the gathering of Israel. I can send a copy, but while I was up there I changed quite a few things, so it's not really the same talk. And guess what? Wendy came to church! She was crying a ton, especially during the other's speaker's talk, he talked about how we see through Christ, and it really got to her.
Last Tuesday we carved pumpkins as a ward. It was lots of fun, I stole one of Jonas's old pumpkin ideas and had a barfing pumpkin, throwing his guts up. It was quite the hit, everyone got a laugh out of it.
It finally started snowing...I think a part of me inside curled up into a ball. Haha, not really, but the season's changing. Started using my thermals again this week. Send warm thoughts.
Wow, wish I coulda watched the Ute's game! Hope they keep it up, I would feel like I failed the family if the Utes don't have a very good season this year. And a 4 star QB huh? I like the sound of that. I'll have to keep the Utes in my prayers, haha.
Sorry that this one has to be a little shorter. We don't have a ton of time to email, as we have a lesson right after, and need to drive out to it. Sorry it's so short!

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