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So he's finally driving!

Hey all,

First off, General Conference. WOW. It was really good. I loved a lot of the talks. Also, totally called it with it going to 2 hour church. I started hearing that rumor, and it made sense. That's what they did in Edmundston, so been there, done that. Personally, I think it's going to be a fantastic thing for members. We will be studying more and internalizing our faith better. It's not just going to be an "at church" thing. I definitely think some people are going to take it as just shortening it down, but it's going to be life changing if we do what the prophet asks. It was just a shorter church meeting for us in Edmundston because we didn't have the other half, with study back at home. And as a missionary, it was even worse, because it just meant another hour of knocking in the snow, haha. I don't know if we will get extra study time for that or not, I hope so, because otherwise, it's just going to mean another hour of finding again. 

That's always been a bit of a struggle on my mission actually. Keeping the Sabbath day holy, and set apart. Because as a missionary, you do the same things on Sunday as all the other days. Nothing changes other than you have Church, and sometimes we get to fast. But there hasn't been a lot as a missionary that can help us set it apart. The best we've done is making sure we listen to quiet Sunday music, or the Tabernacle Choir. Maybe you guys have some ideas...

Same goes for the name of the Church. I definitely think God is asking us to step up. He's preparing us for things to come, so as we follow what the Prophet asks, we will receive blessings.

I don't have a favorite talk off the top of my mind though. I'm excited to have their talks to study!

So yea, it's been quite a week. I'm excited about it, almost as excited as Utah beating Stanford!!! (Joking, I'm just as excited) Thanks for the update Dad, it sounds like it was a good game well needed!! (How was the copywriter's conference, btw?)

People who have influenced me the most. Hmmm, thats a HARD question. I'd probably say a lot of my companions. Elder Boardman, Elder Greenburg, Elder Carlson, Elder Smith, Elder Pierson, Elder Olsen, not necessarily in that order. I've had some really good leaders too, like Elder Sawa Sawa and Elder Day. Both President Pratt and President Low have changed me a lot, and by looking at them, I think I've been able to better see what I want to do as a career. 

This week has been really cool. We had a SUPER spiritual experience the other day. Our recently reactivated member Brendan has a sister, Wendy, who is less active. She's been going through a lot, and she wants to change her life for the better. Brenden has been talking to her about the church, and Wendy had talked to us a few times about how she wants to meet, but then she would stop responding to us in trying to set up a time. Anyway, we decided to just stop by and visit her. We did, she let us in, and we just asked her how things are going, and she broke down. I've never seen the Spirit work so hard on somebody. The Spirit led us a lot, and was super strong. She's scared of changing and coming back, but she really wants to. It's going to be exciting, we are going to have front row seats to Christ's atonement absolutely changing Wendy's life. 

For transfers, I'm staying in Fredericton, which will be really good! Elder Olsen is going to Halifax to be an Assistant with Elder Boardman, so it's going to be fun to go on exchanges with them, I've been companions with both of them. My new companion is going to be Elder Pitcher, who I've heard is a stud! I've only met the guy a couple times at leadership conference, and he's cool, so it should be fun! He absolutely loves the crap out of missionaries, so it's going to be a great chance for me to learn from him. (Not saying I don't love my missionaries, but I definitely can improve on charity, so it should be good.)

Also, thanks so much for the package! It was perfect. Elder Olsen loved the stuff too, and Steve was grateful too. (That's his dad.) I'm excited to see how you do on the Newsletter too! You should send them to me too. 

And congrats Boo! That's exciting that you've got your Eagle! And Congrats Ains on doing well in Cross Country. And Congrats Ellie for that 100% on that test. No one wrote me about it, but I know you got it, haha.

Love you all! You are seriously the best family ever.
Elder Marsh


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