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I miss your yams...

Hey again, 

Man do I miss Thanksgiving. It really sucks that Canada doesn't do much for Thanksgiving. But oh well, c'est la vie. I wish I was there too, I would have loved to be with the family. I miss you guys. 

Great job on the piano Boo! It was cool, I played that same song for Deji's baptism, although I didn't do as good of a job! It sounded really good. 

It's cool you got to meet the legendary Brother Williams. It was cool to see the other missionaries that were there too! And Elder Smith's mom was there too! Did she drive all the way from California for it, or was she there anyway? 

Also, really happy the Utes won. A little worrying that we have slow starts in games, that could be really bad for the championship game. Hoping the Utes can come out on top, even though they've lost once already, they should be more ready now! 

This last week has been absolutely crazy. So since Wednesday, we've just been trying to catch up to what's been going on here. Elder Willoughby and I whitewashed in, and there was a lot going on for it all. The previous Elders signed up for the Moncton Christmas parade with pretty much no preparations. We got there on Thursday and were working on the parade pretty much from then till Saturday, when we had it. It was pretty crazy, we were pretty close to calling it all off on Friday because we couldn't find anyone to pull the trailer, but one of the members said that he could do it and it all worked from there. The other missionaries came from Bathurst, Miramichi, and Amherst to help out, and we had some members with us too. It was good. It definitely wasn't the biggest float, or the best one, but it was the best we could do haha. They broadcasted the parade on Roger's cable, and there were a ton of people there, so it was pretty cool. I was Joseph this time, which I didn't mind, I didn't have to walk! Also, I was the only person who really knew how to work the speakers, and most of the other costumes didn't fit me. But it was lots of fun. 

Oh, also as we were preparing that, we went to go get some hay from a member here, and Elder Willoughby found out that he's allergic to hay. He had he inhaler, so there wasn't a really bad problem then. What did stink is that he lost his inhaler, and when we cleaned up the parade, he was having a hard time breathing. So at about 11:30, he woke me up so we could call the nurse, and the nurse told him to go to the hospital. I already knew this wouldn't end well, but we went to the hospital, and waited there for about 3 hours so he could be seen. Finally, Elder Willoughby gave up and wanted to go back home and try to sleep again. I feel asleep as soon as we got back at 2:30, but he was up for another hour probably. 

Sunday was really nice, I got to see a lot of old friends. The members here are pretty awesome. There's been a few new people who have moved in as well, which is pretty good, we're going to be working with them because the previous elders were. It's taking a bit of time to get our schedule all figured out, but it's going to be lots of good work! 

Elder Willoughby is a good guy. He's very different then me, but it's working out well, haha. He's almost done with his mission, he's on his last two transfers, so this will probably be his last area. He's from Alberta, he loves theater and singing. He also has mapped out everyone in the mission's mission. He memorizes where they started, who they were with, how long they have been there, etc... It's kinda cool and creepy at the same time haha. We're still getting to know each other, but we've been working well together. 

For people we're teaching, we're trying to reach out to the people that the previous elders were working with. There's this one girl named Keren, and she's pretty much going to be baptized. She's in Halifax till Saturday, but when we called her, she wanted the elders to come to the hospital to teach her there while she was gone, so she doesn't want to slow down! 

I haven't gotten any of my packages yet, or the thermals, they're probably all at the mission office. None of the mail got brought up with transfers, so we're going to have to wait till Zone conference next week. 

Love you all! Can't wait to see you all in 23 days! Also, do you guys still have the Christmas present for the Marsh exchange I sent home like last year? Let me know how it turns out if you do, I know it's in a few weeks, but Christmas has been on my mind with all the lighttheworld we've been doing!

Elder Marsh


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