- Have you had/Do you have a microwave? (This question came up because there has been a lot of complaining as we've been waiting for the part for ours to arrive so it can be fixed and it's been "SO FREAKING HARD" to reheat things, haha. Dad told Joey he'd better get used to it since he doesn't think he'll have one on his mission. So now we have to know...)
- Are there any other "luxury" things that you don't have there that you took for granted here?
- What have you been studying recently?
- What goals are you working on?
- When are transfers?
- How was your week?
Hey all!
Sounds like it was pretty good this week. Speaking about screen time, I highly recommend this app we got, qualitytime. We just got them on our phones, and it's so nice. It monitors what apps you use and at what time. It makes it easy to see what bad habits you have. You can schedule out break time. Dont know if its available for iPhone, but you should see.
We do have microwaves, which is really nice. But something most apartments don't have which is really nice is dishwashers! Handwashing everything sucks. Theres a few places with them but not a lot. So hopefully Boo's started liking washing dishes more.
I've been studying a lot about Jesus Christ lately, just understanding more about his character and qualities. I've really liked it. I recently read Mosiah 14 and 15, and it's been really good.
Goals I've been working on is finishing the Book of Mormon in French, and having more faith, hope and charity.
Transfers are in two weeks. Although I already know I'm not staying in Fredericton. But you can't tell anyone. They're taking the elders out of Fredericton, and moving zone leaders to Saint John. So I might be in Saint John, or somewhere else. But you're sworn to secrecy!
This has been a pretty good week for us. It was zone conference on Thursday. It went really well. I was conducting, and I led a counsel on Light the World, and things we can do for it this year. It was good. There were quite a few really good trainings and lots of roleplays. Elder Pitcher gave a training on revelation which was pretty good.
After zone conference, we had exchanges with Woodstock, which was fun. Not a lot of very interesting stuff though. Lots of finding and teaching members.
So yeah, kind of a boring week on this end too.
Is there a color I should wear for the photo? I'm sorry, I forgot to take a photo this week. I'll make sure to take one sometime! It's too bad it can't wait one more week, cause then I could get a photo in front of the temple. (For our family Christmas card.)
Well, love you all! I'm going to reply a separate thing for my response for the newsletter, cause I gotta do a bit of cleaning, but I should have time to do it.
Elder Marsh
In December I would love to have a special Christ-centered edition and would invite you to include a paragraph or two specifically focusing on Christ for the newsletter.
Recently I heard a former mission president say that he would ask his missionaries to tell him who their most interested investigator was, and when they answered with someone they were currently teaching, he corrected them, and told them it was probably their mom, dad, siblings, etc. at home, and their letters were a chance to do missionary work. Not just non member family members, but all of them, since we're all in the process of either coming unto Christ or moving away from Him.
So please prayerfully consider what you might share with our ward members that would help each of us to more fully come unto Christ. It could be your testimony of Him, how you've seen His hand in your life as a missionary, a favorite scripture or quote and why it's meaningful, or a story of someone whose life has changed because of Christ and His Atonement. It doesn't need to be long! A paragraph or two would be great! Don't make it hard.
The first point of the Canada Halifax's Mission culture is to Understand and Teach the Doctrine of Christ. I think when I finally understood the Doctrine of Christ, I understood why. The Doctrine of Christ teaches that we all have a divine potential. We all would accomplish this, except we run into "Roadblocks," namely we sin and we die. Because of Jesus Christ and His Atonement, we can overcome these roadblocks, and reach that divine potential.
We would be totally lost without Jesus Christ. The scope of what he did for us is amazing. He suffered pains, temptations, sickness, sins, death, all without a complaint. As Isaiah says, he was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows; and acquainted with grief. Without Jesus Christ, we would have no way to the Father, for it's only by his name we are saved. And without Jesus Christ, we would have no way to be forgiven, no way to improve, to go from grace to grace until we are perfected. I know He is the Son of God, that he did everything He was supposed to, and because he did, we can too. I love my Savior!
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