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Sometimes I wish I just did the week I was on for my mission so I wouldn't feel obligated to come up with a subject for these emails.

Hey all,

Wow, sounds like a busy week! Honestly, it's probably way cooler to be working in the GA travel division, because the missionary travel department is just going to be booking the same flights every 3-9 weeks, depending on when the missionaries leave the MTC. Do you get special parking downtown because of the job? Or do you just use the Conference Center's parking? 

This week has been lots of work! We taught Jeff Wednesday night, and it was so good. We skyped in Nate Hoole, (He's from Olympus, he and Jeff were really close) and it helped a ton, Jeff opened up a lot to us and we were able to help him realize that if he gets married, and stays married, he doesn't need to worry about divorce. (That seemed pretty straightforward to me, but I guess its precept by precept, and he didn't connect the dots.) We talked about how if he's focusing on a divorce going into his marriage, it's going to be much more likely than when he focuses on the temple, to live with his family forever. Anyway, it went really well.

Thursday was the busiest day I've had on my mission, we taught 6 lessons that day, one to Troy, 5 to members. Troy dropped us the next day, which was too bad, cause we had a really good lesson, he just decided that he didn't want to come to church and keep the Sabbath day holy. But it was still a really busy week. We taught 17 lessons this week, which for some areas is a bit of a joke, but for New Brunswick, that's HUGE! President Low had set a goal for every area to teach 20 lessons a week, and that's the closest anyone in New Brunswick's gotten, to my knowledge. (And I think you can trust it, cause I've been here my entire mission, haha.) Of course, for Halifax that's nothing (there are 4 companionships in Halifax, and the assistants alone taught 31 lessons two weeks ago) but it was pretty cool for us! 

Sunday was nice. No one came, which was sad, we also had tried to visit the Brazilians again, but they wouldn't answer the door :'( but at church, Deji gave a talk. Deji was the guy from Africa that was baptized while I was here last; I was there when we found him, got to teach him a bit, interviewed him for baptism, the whole thing. He's come so far from where we first met him, its incredible. I was tearing up a bit watching and listening to him. He gave SUCH a good talk too, one of the best ones I've heard here. Full of doctrine, his testimony was awesome, it was great. I went up to talk to him after, but the bishop beat me to him. I overheard him say, "That was incredible, that's definitely not your last talk!" It was awesome. Later that night we had a big coordination meeting with the Elders Quorum, mission leader, us, and the bishopric, and it was really good too.

I think I've gotten a little taller. I don't really know though, I haven't measured. I'm definitely on the taller end, but there are a few people who've got me. 

Next week I'll be emailing on Wednesday, it's zone conference. 

Elder Willoughby is going to BYU-I, so I've been able to help him out some. Let me just say though, I am SO GRATEFUL I DID THIS WHILE I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL! It would be so much harder on a mission. I'm so sorry for all the times I whined and complained about it! It's so nice that I don't have to worry about an application, and if the schools recieved my test scores (if I was from Canada it would be even worse, cause you gotta send your scores to get them appraised, then sent to the school, its awful!)

I've been studying mostly the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel, but a little bit of the New Testament. It's too bad we don't get extra study time, but I just use a bit of my supper time to do the Come Follow Me. I can't think of a cool insight that I had this week, but I'm sure there were some. 

Thanks for the recipe! I kinda like the idea of having a reciepe of the week, haha! I'll have to check it out. Also, keep sending the recipe in the email, I won't be able to open the links. 

Love you all so much!
Elder Marsh


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