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This is a long one...

Hey all,

We had a pretty busy week. Tuesday night we picked up a new investigator, Howie. He's a dad to like 4 kids, and he's super kind. His kids are kinda interested too. We taught him about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon, and read some with him, we're hoping that it goes well!

We had exchanges with Saint John elders this week after District council, but instead of the normal way we've done it in the CHM, we did a traditional exchange, where Elder Willoughby went to Saint John with the District Leader's companion, Elder Cahoon, while I went with Elder Doucette. It was a really good exchange, albeit a little weird. We got a snow storm that Wednesday night, so driving out to Jeff's and back took really long. It was an interesting lesson with Jeff too, cause he kinda just talked about how he doesn't really think coming to church is possible before their baby is born, which kinda stinks, but he's more committed to getting married, and says he'll come after that. 

Then Friday and Saturday were both busy, but I don't neccesarily remember with what all. Some was preparing for our training, there were lots of lessons in there with members, stuff I'm sure you'd love to hear about but feel super routine for me so I don't want to write a ton about it. 

I'm glad you had a nice relaxing Sunday, ours was definitely not. You would not believe the amount of ice we had after the big winter storm we had here Sunday. At least we still had church, it didn't really start in Moncton till after church started, so the Bishop kept it open—most places closed. The storm itself was so bad we had to stay inside the rest of the day, but right at the end of the night, it warmed up a TON, and everything melted, and it rained a bunch. Just in time for it to all freeze overnight. When we woke up Monday, we literally had 2 inches of ice on our car. It took us an hour to get our car all taken care of, we scraped the ice for 30 mins to create this little tiny window for Elder Willoughby, just enough to try crossing the street to the car wash. I wish we had just washed the car, but we didn't have any loonies or twonies on us. Instead, we tried plugging in our car engine warmer, but the cable wasn't long enough. So, we just ended up scrapping and running the car long enough to get a slightly bigger hole, and till the heater finally started! Then we drove to the church, where we were able to grab an extension cord and plug in our car. 

The rest of that Monday was pretty crazy. We had to come up with plans for all the elders in our entire zone to come work here in Moncton, just before zone conference. President Low wants to interview every elder right before zone conference, because that's pretty much the only time he's going to be able to do that after the merge. Speaking of after the merge, because of the merge, my departure date was no longer vaild, Our transfers would switch to the Canada Montreal's transfers, meaning my mission president let me decide whether I wanted to go home July 19th or Aug 30th. As I was talking with him, he recommended I go home at the earlier date, because when he came off his mission, he went to school literally the very next day, and it was really hard on him. I prayed about it, and while I was thinking about it I decided to come home the 19th. So I guess you all will get to see me a little sooner. You need to tell Grandma to stop praying for me to come home, cause it keeps getting earlier! (lol, just kidding, I appreciate the prayers.) Anyway, after my interview I went out working with the Miramichi elders, which was lots of fun, they're both really funny. We did Canadian accents and impressions like the whole night, it was great. 

I also heard back from somebody in a previous area. Brendan Moore was a guy I helped reactivate, and he had just gotten the Melchizedek priesthood when I left. But it was kinda hard for the elders to leave, cause he doesn't have really any friends in the ward, and we were kinda his lifeline in a really lonely world. He stopped coming to church and started going back to some bad friends and habits. It really stunk to hear that he's not doing too good, but for a while he wasn't talking about it with anyone. Now we get to help him come back again! Keep him in your prayers if you can. 

Zone Conference was good, lots of really good trainings. This was the last Zone conference for half of the sisters that I came out with, which was pretty weird to hear one bear her last testimony. It really makes you realize how fast the time goes by. 

I couldn't really think of answers to a lot of your questions on the spot, haha, but I definitely agree with the meeting with the prophet and apostles, reading the Book of Mormon and my mission changing me. A few things about my parents would be 1. They love me more than anyone I know; 2. They've helped me want to create my own happiness and follow the gospel; and 3. They taught me to work hard and develop myself. You guys are the best.

Love you,
Elder Marsh


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