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Halifax Burger Week

Hey all,

Wow, super stoked for Boo’s call! You should forward the email to me and let me find out where he's going today before Boo sees it. I promise I won’t tell. :) I didn’t see those photos or anything because the mission is doing a social media fast, so we’ve been off Facebook and Instagram, and won’t get back on till Friday, so I won’t see anything on there for a while. I really hope you get a good mission president too, literally having had President Pratt and President Low have been SO incredible. Both have taught me so much, and are so obedient. It makes such a big difference. I hope you get a good obedient mission Boo. It literally makes such a big difference on your mission experience. I remember when I opened my call I was a little excited to go to the CHM, but I was also a little bit disappointed, cause I wanted to go to some place in Africa or something where you baptize 120 people a week, but since I came here I’ve seen how much better off I have it than all of those missions. The CHM is obedient, if we get some rule, we follow it. And we don’t complain. I’ve heard of some missions where the mission presidents don’t follow the instructions given them from the area authorities, and missionaries spending all of zone conference coming up with reasons why the area authorities should change rules for their missions. It just makes me sad when I hear it, cause being in a super obedient mission makes such a big difference. I’ve seen how my mission has changed my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way, I’m so happy my mission is here, I know it was inspired. Obviously I won’t say any of the missions that have those problems, as you could go there, but I’m excited! Who knows, you could come to Montreal! President Low would love that, I was talking to him about that and he thought it would be super cool.

So yeah, I’m with Elder Benson. He was with Elder Olsen before me, yeah. Elder Olsen hasn’t gone home yet, he goes home only one before me. He’s training a new missionary now in Bridgewater. Elder Benson and I get along great. We’ve been around each other for a while and know each other pretty well, it’s lots of fun. He’s into soccer and skiing, lots of sports, which is pretty fun. We actually played a bit of soccer with some people to try to find some investigators. It was pretty good, we’re working on some people with our soccer and service.  After the mish, he’s going to Snow, but he’s planning on coming up to Provo to hang out with all the CHM’ers at the Y, so I’ll see him a ton after. We keep talking about how when we go home we’re going to go get Cafe Rio or Chick-fil-a together, and send you guys some pics as we eat, just to add some suspense. 

We do get to travel a bit, we’re going to all the zone conferences this transfer. We will only go to every other zone conference or not at all after the merge. And yeah, sometimes p-days change, I know next week will be Wednesday for us because of zone conferences. I will be going to Montreal with president, so that will be cool. And Elder Benson is going home with me, but next transfer he’s going to be training...he’s leaving me and I’ll get a new comp, so it won’t be a problem. 

Right now in Halifax we aren’t teaching anyone yet, we have some people we’re working on picking up, but we haven’t been able to do it yet. It’s been kinda crazy, pretty much as soon as I got to Halifax we had some stuff to do, we’re preparing zone conference kits to stay in the conference areas, because the Lows won’t be able to carry all the stuff around with them once the mission merges. 

Church is super cool too, we work with the YSA branch. There’s actually two meetings here, a family ward, and the YSA branch. When I pulled into the parking lot Sunday and saw a totally full parking lot, it was so cool. There’s lots of cool members and they’re really great at inviting their friends. We had a girl invite her friend to church, and she came and bore her testimony her first Sunday! Then she came to FHE Monday! Pretty cool.

Other stuff going on in Halifax: burger week. Soooo awesome. This whole week, 145 different restaurants in the metro area create special limited time burgers, and the whole city of Halifax judges the best burger. They’re so good. Our district haas been going to alll the different places. We didn’t even buy groceries last week, cause we’re eating burgers for all our meals. The best burger so far has been a shocker. It’s a donut burger, where the bun is this donut, and they have this chipotle sauce, and bacon and cheese... super good. I know it probably sounds nasty, we thought it would be gross, but one of the members of our district said it was to die for, and we went out on a limb, and it takes the cake. It won last year, and I can see why.  

The best part serving here is definitely how close we get to work with our mission president, President Low is so cool. I love him a ton, he’s super inspired and loves and cares about others so much. Probably the hardest thing is breaking some bad news to people, but you just do it like you’re ripping off a bandaid and they take it well. 

The elders I'm closest with would be Elder Smith, Elder Holman, Elder Olsen, Elder Pierson, Elder Benson, all my comps still out, haha. Elders Smith, Olsen and Benson are all in my district, I mean obviously  Elder Benson is my comp, but I get to see them all. Elder Holman is still in Moncton and Elder Pierson went back to Edmundston. It’s funny, it’s his third time back there. But there’s lots of super cool missionaries, one thing nice about having a small mission is you know everybody pretty well! 

Anyway, love you lots! 
Elder Marsh

Joey opened his mission call on Tuesday at 9:30, so after p-day was over, and he's been called to serve in Phoenix, AZ French speaking! So they'll have French in common. Apparently there are quite a few refugees from Africa there who speak French. :)


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