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Here comes the sun

Hey all,

Sounds like this week’s been a blast! I remember it being really nice to just relax a bit at the start of the summer, so I hope you’ve been enjoying it. This week’s been pretty busy for us, but it’s been very enjoyable. Congrats Boo on graduating! When do you leave for DC, next week? That came quick. Still doesn’t feel like I’m coming home in 7 weeks. 

Tuesday after p-day we had dinner with a less active member, Matthew. He’s been getting more active, but we’re working with him on it. He made teriyaki salmon, it was super delicious. Dad would’ve loved it. I snagged the recipe from them, and it looks like it’s pretty simple, so I’ll have to make it sometime when I get home dad! 

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were pretty standard days. We had a really good institute class on Friday, President Cartier (the institute teacher) is one of the best I’ve seen, he’s pretty incredible. 

Saturday was a so nice outside, probably one of the first really warm days we’ve had! We did a booth outside, talking to people about the plan of salvation, it was super good. We got a lot of potentials from it, summer definitely makes a big difference. Speaking of finding, we ended up finding $105 just on the street. We picked it up and waited around a while to see if anyone came looking for it, but when no one did, we kinda were stumped on what we should do. We were right next to a store, but it wasn’t just your average grocery store, it was the liquor and weed store. So we didn’t know if we should go in or not...and having never been in one before, we didn’t know what the store would be like. As far as we knew if we gave it to that store and someone came back for it they would just use it to buy more weed... but eventually we just took it in there and left it there with the security people. Hopefully we didn’t just pay for someone’s Saturday night keg party.

Sunday we had church, Didie and Cefa came to church. They really like church, and they have a ton of friends here too, so it’s really cool. The members in the family ward are incredible at fellow shipping people. At YSA church, it was pretty nice too. We didn’t have any investigators with us there, but it was pretty fun anyway. Promise, one of our recent converts here gave a talk in church, I think it might have been his first one, he did a pretty good job. Elder Holman gave a short talk about missionary work, and there was supposed to be another missionary speaking, one of the sisters, but the sisters cover both the family ward and ysa ward, and some of the times overlap, so she was at family ward classes while she was supposed to be giving a talk. Sneaked outta that the branch president just started calling random missionaries to bear their testimonies. It actually turned out pretty well.

I taught Elders Quorum. The teacher had cancelled last minute, so Tim, one of the councillors called us up to see if we could teach. Our talk was “Prepared to Obtain All Needful Things” by Elder Bednar. A lot of the members said it was a pretty good discussion, which is guess is pretty nice. I went back and forth between the talk and D&C 109, (which is the Kirkland temple dedication prayer, and where Elder Bednar gets the title for his talk). I think the connection between the section and his own talk, largely focused on the temple was definitely intentional, so I taught a lot about how the directions given in section 109 apply to our homes as well. It wasn’t bad for being so last minute, I definitely think I could have developed the thought process a little more and have had a really good lesson with more time, but it’s ok.

And then that night we had another fireside (not the one for the Congolese), this one was a musical fireside. The speaker was Wayne Burton, he was pretty good, he came out here to visit some family serving a senior mission, and he was willing to do a fireside here with his trip. It went really well, many people came to it. We had a choir, and all the missionaries in the metro districts participated. I really enjoyed it. I’m happy Ainsley’s in the ward choir, because I really enjoy it. I wish I wasn’t as proud before my mission and I had joined the ward choir, it would have been fun. I guess I-jack will have a willing victim once I get home.

Stake conference isn’t till June 8/9, and our fireside will be the evening of June 9th. The Congolese people are mostly from Congo, not the DRC, but there might be a couple from there, I can’t remember. 

I definitely want a French class! I want to keep working on my French. It turns out there are some temple sessions at the Provo temple in French, so I can even go to the temple in French again, which is pretty cool. 

Don’t know if there’s much more in my week worth mentioning. Some missionaries were being a little petty with fulfilling a request we had for them, which can be frustrating but it helps me to remember that forgiveness is the way to find peace. We forgave them and just moved on. I’m grateful for chances like that where I get to live the gospel in its fullest sense. Besides, it wasn’t even a big deal anyway. :)

We went out to Peggy’s Cove this morning. I took lots of photos. It’s really pretty, the lighthouse is pretty cool, but there’s also this artist’s sculptures right into the granite wall in his backyard that we went and saw, which are really cool too. I wanted to go check out his art gallery, but unfortunately it’s closed at the moment. I just thought it was interesting, because everyone talks about the lighthouse, but the art was really cool, I don’t even think most missionaries know about it, they just go for the lighthouse and then leave instead of exploring what’s in the town. Walking around the little town there reminded me of our trips, so I really liked it. 

Tonight we’re picking up a new missionary, so it’ll be a late night, but it should be good. He’s coming in the middle of the transfer because of some changes in his call at the MTC. And then this Friday we’re driving up to Moncton. We’re doing our exchanges in Moncton because Nadia, the lady Elder Holman and I started teaching in Moncton is getting baptized this Saturday, so President Low said it would be ok for us to go to her baptism and do our exchange there, so we’re pretty excited! 

Love you all so much! 
Elder Marsh 


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