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Hey everyone!

What the flip, I feel old!!! I guess that I really do not have a good perpective on time, because it seems like yesterday when he was just becoming a deacon! 

Anyway, I've had a good week. Pretty much all of this last week has been in Moncton, which has been fun. I was there waiting for Elder Pierson to meet me for transfers, because he had a baptism on Friday, and we didn't meet up till Sunday

It might be a little easier to just give a fast rundown of everything, then try to answer questions. I don't know excatly what I talked about last time, and am too lazy to look it up, so...

Tuesday we had Bible study, which I taught. I was talking about Mark 8-10, and about spiritual blindness. (I told them they couldn't have found a better person to talk about blindness, haha.) It went really good, the members really liked it, and Tanya (I'll explain later) came to it, and really enjoyed it. She said that she wasn't expecting the church to be like that at all. When we asked her what exactly she liked, she said that she loved the peace she felt, and how kind the members were. We also read the scriptures with Tommy, and taught him the last commandments before baptism. Now we are just working with him to stop smoking! 

Wednesday, Elder Boardman packed up. That was P-day, now that I think about it. Anyway, before we left, we met with Nick, Rachelle, and Tommy, and he got to say goodbye. Wednesday night we talked with Tanya over facebook video, and met our new investigator, who's getting baptized the 12th this month! His name's Alexandre, he's been meeting with the Dieppe Elders (basically French Moncton) and moved to Cambellton April 30th (so yesterday for me). 

Thursday we finally made it to Moncton, Elder Boardman took off, and I chilled with Moncton elders, Elder Ablett, and Elder Sawa-Sawa. We had a good day, went out finding, and helped some member's sister move homes. After, I took off with Elder Kearsley, one of the Dieppe elders, and we taught Alexandre.

Friday, I worked a ton of my district training plan. Boring, but needs to be done. We had games night too, and I got to meet some really cool members at Moncton. Alexandre came to that too.

Saturday, I taught Judith and her kids, one of Moncton's investigators, we found a new investigator for Moncton, and taught Alexandre. As well as finishing up my training plan, and going to a food depot event.

Sunday, we had church, which was cool to do in a bigger ward. After church, Sawa and I took off, drove to Fredricton, met Elder Pierson, drove back to Moncton, dropped off Sawa, and Elder Pierson and I drove back to Bathurst. 

Yesterday, we taught Allen, one of our investigators. 

OK, to answer your questions:

What is your new comp like? Where is he from, how long has he been out, etc.?
Elder Pierson is a French missionary. He was in Edmundston while I was there, he was Elder Smith's trainee. This is his fourth transfer. He's from Edmonton, Alberta, so he says his A's wrong, but its all good, haha. He's super nice, likes to talk a lot, and is super energetic. It's going to be a good transfer working with him!

How are Nick, Rachelle and Tommy? You never said what illness put Nick in the hospital...
Nick, Rachelle and Tommy are doing better. I didn't say what illness on purpose, because it is pretty personal to him, and especially considering how anyone could look up that blog with all my emails and see what I write, I don't want to be breaking his trust. Things are back to normal though, so we are going to be seeing them again!

Who is Tanya? You said she's on date, but it was your first mention of her...
Tanya is one of our investigators who we found a while ago, I guess I just didn't say anything. Elder Boardman and I were out knocking, and he felt impressed to try knocking the upper floor of a building that he never finished. He had stopped because the first door he knocked, he met someone crazy, but as we were walking past, we decided to go do it. So we met Tanya briefly. She's 23, is a student down in Miramichi at the community college there, because there are no English classes here in Bathurst. She's working to become a counselor. We didn't really say anything, she told us she was studying for her exams, and was too busy, so to come by another night. She told us to look her up on Facebook, which we did, but we couldn't find her. 

Then, a week after that, and after knocking on her door a couple times after, we were on the same street, had talked to someone different, also named Tanya, and we decided to go see one more time. This time, she was there, and we found the right profile, and added her. We started talking on facebook, and we ended up starting to teach her. She's awesome, she's reading a ton of the Book of Mormon, has some really good questions, and wants to be baptized.

Do you still exercise every morning?
Yes, I still exercise in the mornings. I normally do one of the workouts on an app we can use, it's called the 7 minute workout. It's pretty good, I do the longer ones on it. I also am eating healthier, but not a ton of time to talk about that.

Do you have much opportunity to play the piano? Or are there members who play?
Kind of. I don't play in church. I used to play the piano during call in reports, while people were reporting key indicators to Elder Boardman, but now that I'm the district leader, I can't do that. There are a couple members who play. One thing I saw was that in Moncton, the missionaries play, so if I get sent there, I'll probably be playing in church.

What is a typical p-day like for you? Do you have a washer/dryer, or have to go to a laundromat?
A typical p-day we shop, we clean, we write, and we do something else. Sometimes its more fun, like spending time with Miramichi elders and sisters, or playing games with Nick and Tommy. I don't know, there's not a ton of things to do at Bathurst, except some hikes, and being on the beach, and both are still covered in snow. We have our own washer and dryer. 

I don't know what happened with the photos. I sent an email with all of the photos from Saint-Pierre, but I don't know what happened to it. I'll try to send some today!

Love you all! I'm jealous of the 80+ degree temperatures. One day. See ya on Mother's Day. I'll tell you what I know when I know what I know, all I know is I don't know when. (Say that 5 times fast) 

Elder Marsh


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