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Another crazy week!

Bonjour tout le monde!

       Let me just say, I totally didn't realize that Ains could go to the temple!!! I'm actually kinda bummed that I couldn't go with her. I'm glad that you had a good birthday, wish I could have sent you something Ains. I'm glad that you had a good UEA break though, weird to think you guys are already there, it does NOT feel like I've been out long enough. The time has been absolutely flying by. Also, I have to disappoint you, I have taken 1 picture. I fixed my camera, it works fine, but I haven't really taken any pictures. My bad, but I'm trying to be 100% responsible. Speaking of, that talk [It's a talk I mailed him called Be 100% Responsible by Lynn G. Robbins that was given at Education Week] was the Prepare to Learn for MLC, and I was super excited about it. It really is one of my favorite talks, and my companions loved it too. It has really helped us work harder to do our work. 

       There are some members in Maine who would probably let you send them mail, but I didn't ask them. My bad. Again. I did get to work with Miles tho! We had an exchange, his comp is the district leader, so he came up for the exchange with the ZL's, and I got to work with him for a day! It was super awesome, he did a really good job in our lesson with Ann, (new gator) and we went contacting together. I did get a picture with him too, so I'll send that. I also got to talk to Elder Hoole, he's another Olympus Titan, and he's super awesome! He's a Zone Leader and we talked while at MLC.

       There are a bunch of missionaries in our zone. There are 10 companionships in our zone, two trios. (counting mine) It's a pretty big area. We have two wards in our zone (I think) and we have a bunch of branches. It breaks down as 6 wards and 6 branches in the St. John stake, but that counts New Brunswick East too. 
       But as I said, the work here is flying by. God really goes before us to prepare the way. Over the last few days, we've found a TON of solid potentials who want to hear more. We've picked up another gator, Ann. She was taught before, but had a problem with smoking, and wanted some time, but is now ready to change! She came to church Sunday, and LOVES the ward! She made little presents for people she met there, and she met some other investigators of the other elders who are getting baptized, and they talked, and I think that helped her too. Allen had two days of no drinking, and is joining an AA group to stop drinking. A week ago, he told us that there was no way for him to stop, and he's totally changing! Every time we go to his place, I feel like it's brighter and cleaner. He's really changing! We taught Cheree the first part of the Plan of Salvation, and invited her to be baptized on a specific date. She said she didn't want a specific date, she'd need to think more about when that was, but she is getting to know members, one of them invited her to their Halloween party coming up, and I think she'll go. They really got along. We didn't get to teach that Pentecostal pastor, he cancelled, but I think that's fine. We'll get to teach Ben and Nancy tonight, and if they want to be baptized, we'll keep teaching them. If not, we're going to slow the teaching process down with them. There are tons of things happening, but I can't write them all, so I'll leave it at that. I'm grateful for your prayers for them.

       I love you all, hope everything keeps looking up! I'll be in Halifax for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, for my exchange with the AP's and for New Missionary Conference, so if you send packages or mail there, I'll be able to get it. Hopefully this is enough time in advance. I did get your letter from your journal mom, haven't seen other mail besides that though. I do really like the hard copy mail too, but whatever is easiest for you works for me too. 

Love you,
Elder Marsh


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