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Hello again

Bonjour tout le monde!

Sounds like things are fun back home. I wish that I could have gone to the Colorado polo trip, I MISS POLO!!! Not being able to swim and be in the water stinks. The performance back home sounds really good though, 3rd place is a lot better than we did last year, so keep up the good work! I can't wait to here about you guys winning the state championship while I'm out here!
I also bet that was a really good sacrament meeting too! [Our speakers were Eric & Marian Gardner, just released from the SL temple presidency] We have a French temple trip coming up on the 1st of December, which should be super awesome, all the French missionaries and members who can take a big trip to Halifax and spend two days working in the temple, in French! We're really excited about that, They came out with a rule that missionaries only get to go twice a year in the summer, and I thought I wouldn't get to go this year because there was one before the rule and after, but we get to go one more time this year! 

I'm glad Nessie's doing well too. It will definitely be fun to see you all, crazy to think that Christmas is already coming up! It feels like it's been no time since it was summer, and I didn't have to wear big coats and long underwear. (speaking off, the coats are awesome, really glad that I have a windbreaker!) 
What do you love most about your area?
I don't know exactly what I love most about my area. It's NOT the smokestack of Edmundston, I'll tell you that much. I really love the people here. There's a lot of people who are poor in spirit. People are really genuine and kind. Yea, we still have plenty of people who are Catolique, non practicant, no merci, bye, but there are a lot of really kind people. Hard to say if that's what I love most, but it's definitely a plus.

What do you love about your companion?      
Elder Legault is without guile. He's super awesome, he loves to work, he always wants to help, and he's not afraid to share what he believes. He's a native French speaker, so I'm super lucky to practice with him, he's been helping me speak faster. 
Any good counsel from your mission president lately?
All of President's Pratt's advice is good counsel. He's an incredible mission president! My testimony has definitely grown of inspired leaders. God really does qualify the people he calls. I've seen his love for everyone here, and that he works tirelessly to help the mission. He told me to take this occasion to learn as much French as possible with Elder Legault. He also told us that he wants to see a baptism from us this transfer before Elder Legault goes home, so we're working hard for that!
Is Miles still in your zone? How often do you see missionaries besides the ones in your apartment?
Miles is still in my zone. People were saying that he was probably going to get transferred, but he's still in Woodstock, now with an Elder Olsen, who is, I'm told, a super awesome missionary.
Any cool p-day adventures?
Not a ton of funny stories on p-day. We have had some crazy things last transfer when we were going to MLC last transfer, we were going to sleep in the Fredericton apartment, but when we got there, we realized that they were on exchange in Woodstock, and there was no way to get in. We got permission to leave sight and sound [must be a typo?], so I boosted Elder Legault up to the second floor, and he climbed into the apartment from the balcony, which they fortunately didn't lock. Elder Legault then unlocked the door and let me and Elder Carlson inside. 
What are you most grateful for this week?
I'm grateful for America's cheap eggs. It's way more expensive in Canada. I'm grateful for the Book of Mormon. It contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that I don't have the black plague, like Madagascar. I'm grateful for my companion. I'm grateful for Motab. I'm grateful for gloves. I'm more grateful of when Mom would fold my socks. There's a lot to be grateful for. 
How have you changed so far?
I feel like I have changed most as I just go out to talk to people. It's still kinda weird talking to random people, but I've definitely been changing from that. I been trying to take more control of situations, to not let an investigator's ideas or questions derail the lesson or topic. I've been trying to ask more questions as I talk to people. I've noticed a big change in the way I talk about the gospel. When I first got out here, I was presenting the gospel, and now as I talk to people I'm getting right into teaching more. I can keep practicing it, but I've noticed a big difference. I'm grateful for French, cause it's really made me focus on stopping saying any words that take away from the power of the message of the gospel.
I also realized that I'll be getting the Ensign with all of the conference talks, so I won't need you to send them. Also, one of our investigators was watching the Utah football game! That was a surprise. Didn't hear the score, but not expecting much. Also, one of our new Zone leaders was playing for U football before he came out here, so that was cool too. See you later.

Je vous aime,
Elder Marsh

His favorite UK candy bar in cookie form!


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