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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Hey all,

Glad to hear that things are going good! I'm happy [Grandma's] surgery went well, and that it was a relatively calm week. 

Transfers are January 4th, I'll attach a copy of the holiday schedule that we got, it should answer all of your questions about that. 

Our week has been pretty crazy. I'll start with the update on Daniel and fam. We stopped by Daniel's home this last week, and he wasn't there, but both of his parents were. They let us come in, and we talked about teaching their family. They're down for their kids to learn, and want to learn themselves. We gave them a French Book of Mormon, cause while all of the kids speak English really well, their parents don't. We should be seeing them all tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. We've yet to meet Karen, Daniel's sister, who is the one we've tried to get into contact with so much, but apparently she's still in Halifax. Her baby boy is having a heart surgery, so we've been praying that things go well. 

We also had the ward Christmas party, and there were a bunch of LA's (less actives) and non-members there. The Smiths, a family we've been working with, brought this guy and his wife, who we're going to try to start teaching soon. The Garcia's and Clarito's, these Filipino families we've also been trying to work with brought another family too, and Sister Cormier brought a friend that we've taught once before, but couldn't set up a return appointment with. So it was pretty crazy! 

And church was good too, this guy named Ernest came to church, we talked to him and invited him, and he wants to come again next week. We're going to try to start teaching him too. While we were on exchanges, Elder Willoughby picked up his neighbor as an investigator as well, Ifeanyi. 

So I'm pretty tired, haha. It's been a busy week. I'm looking forward to talking with you all too. 

We're trying to do more service, but it's hard to find and set the time apart to do, haha. We are trying to do it though. 

At zone conference, the theme was #weworkgodblesses🛒, which was really good. Lots of good comments from everyone. We trained on how we can teach more effectively, and it went well. There were some roleplays after us, and then President Low trained us on the theme. After, we had a big lunch, and then the gift exchange and talent show. The talent show was AMAZING. President Low did this puppet show of one of the office senior couples, and how he got over his addiction to rock stars, we were laughing so hard it was hard to breathe. I played the piano, and a bunch of people sang. 

Sorry this one's more about a bunch of stuff going on, and not as much of a response, but today's been busy. 

Love you all, 
Elder Marsh


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