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Temple trips and hospital visits

Hey all, 

So to answer the weather question, we go out to work unless it's -40 or below. Sometimes if it's too stormy, like there are really bad whiteout conditions, where it's not safe to be outside, we also will stay in, but the cold alone doesn't stop us, haha. This year has actually been quite warm in comparison to last year. Or maybe I'm just more used to it, idk. Either way I know you'd freeze, mom, so at some point it would probably all just seem like the same temperature to you. 

Thats way cool that dad's learning Hebrew. That's something I want to do too. Dad, you need to see if you can learn Hebrew as fast as Joseph Smith did—it took him 14 weeks. And way to go Boo! That's cool that you did so well in the tourney! And that's so exciting that you started your mission papers, it's weird for me to think of you already leaving and getting a senior ad. Time flies.

Killing Elder Willoughby has been interesting. I've noticed while on my mission there are three reactions people have at the end of their missions. The first is getting lazy, or not working as hard, the second is OVERworking yourself, thinking so much about it and trying to do so much before you go home you burn yourself out, and the third reaction is just sticking to your pace and working till the end. It's been interesting for me to see several different people over the course of my mission and how they have responded to finishing. 

Anyway, my week's been a little crazy, haha. We had exchanges on Thursday and Friday with the Montague/Charlottetown Elders. That was pretty fun; we saw a cool miracle while we were on the exchange. We stopped by Sister Lutes, this old single lady, to do some service for her and to hopefully be able to teach her, (because we had a trio to be able to go in) and started clearing a bunch of ice off of her walkway. Anyway, after clearing the ice, she let us in, and Troy was there. Troy was one of our investigators, but he had dropped us for an unknown reason. We were able to have a lesson and teach the plan of salvation, and Sister Lutes told him about how Troy's mom wanted Sister Lutes to be baptized for her in the temple, and that really changed his mind on it all, he hadn't wanted to abandon his families values, especially after losing his mom and his dad going to the hospital. Long story short, he's on date for baptism again, Feb. 9th. We hope it all goes through. 

Saturday we went down to the temple to do baptisms for the dead with Deji, Brother Garcia, and Sister Smith. It was so awesome to go with Deji to the temple, I still remember the time we first met him walking into our apartment...he's made so many changes its unbelievable and so cool to see. After we did baptisms, we had some other missionaries come take them to the family history center to help them with their family history, while we stayed in the temple. But while we were there, Elder Willoughby started feeling really faint and sick, and we had to leave early. We got him some food and then I took him to rest in one of the missionaries apartments nearby, until everyone was ready to leave. He started having a bit of nausea later that night, and started having diarrhea, so I told him to get some rest. 

Sunday he was so bad, super sick and weak. He couldn't eat anything, cause he would just throw everything up, and so we stayed inside all day letting him rest, so we missed church, and that kinda stinks. We finally went to the hospital that night (fortunately for him, because of MY trip to the hospital here, I knew which of the two hospitals to NOT go to) and he got right in. They gave him a bunch of fluids and they did some blood tests and everything was fine, he just had a bad virus, and we got to go home. 

Monday he was still feeling pretty weak and sick, so we were inside all day, I've just been taking care of him for it all, making sure he has water, that he eats simple foods, that he gets rest, all that jazz. It really makes me appreciate you more mom, cause it pretty much just sucks. I ended up cleaning the apartment a bunch and studying. Today we finally are going to be outside, which is nice. 

Love you so much! 
Elder Marsh


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