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8 cows...

Hey all,

First thoughts, stake conference seems legit. That seriously sucks with polo though. Straight bummer. It’s not just a game mom, so totally ok to feel upset. Also my emails are never short because your emails are too long mom, it’s meetings that cut out the time, so never worry about a long email!

Our week was pretty sick. We taught a bunch of the Congolese people here in Halifax, I’m pretty sure I talked to you about them before. We taught Didi and Cefa (they’re the couple Elder Boardman and Elder Olsen met, the ones who had the preacher in Africa who knows the Book of Mormon is true), and it went really well. The thing holding them back is they aren’t married. Didi needs to pay a dowry to Cefa’s family to get married to her. We’re trying to get them to talk to the family to see if they can negotiate the payment to come after the marriage. They pay the dowry in cows, like Johnny Lingo. Pretty crazy to think that would affect my mission in Canada.

We also set up a special fireside with all the Congolese people on the 9th of June. That’s stake conference Sunday for us, and Elder Hamilton, the area seventy who’s visiting the mission is also doing the stake conference. He’s staying with President Low, and we had arranged for President Low to speak for the fireside, not realizing that Elder Hamilton served in the area presidency IN CONGO for two years, and speaks FLUENT FRENCH. So now he’s coming, and is going to address all of our investigators! Pretty sick. If all of their families get baptized, we would have 17 baptisms! Paul, Alphonsine, Didi, Cefa, Mama, Joelle, Albertine, Grâce, other kids some of them have... pretty exciting.

I’m trying hard to finish the Book of Mormon in French before I go home. I’m working pretty hard to make my French as good as I can.

We go to Montreal the 27th of June. We’ll be with the assistants there, in their apartment. I think I mentioned this to you already, but one of the elders there, Elder Wilson is an assistant, and he was in the MTC with me, he’s super awesome, so I’m excited to see him again! 

I love you all! Seriously best fam ever. 
Elder Marsh

P.S. As for photos, I asked Elder Holman to take a couple photos of me this week, but they didn’t turn out super good, so I’ll have to see if I can take some good ones. 


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