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Hey all,

Congrats Boo! I’m so happy you went to the temple. Wish I coulda been there for it, but that’s so cool. The temple’s been a big blessing to me on my mission, so I hope you get to go some more. 

So my week. Soooo crazy. Thursday we flew over to Montréal. Sad to say goodbye to everyone, but we were pretty excited. We arrived and met President Philips and the assistants. The assistants here are Elder Wilson and Elder Newman. Elder Wilson was in the MTC with me, and Elder Newman went to Olympus! So that was pretty cool. They’re both super awesome. Very hard workers. We got straight to work together. 

What we do is we split into two teams in the morning, just rotating who we’re with, and then going out and working. Our area is crazy busy. We’re both normally out teaching most of the day, we get a lot of work done together. We work in one of the English wards, and so we work with a lot of immigrants, which is really fun. The people are so humble and ready, it’s really cool. We have a lot of friends learning right now. 

The ward is also huge. There was a huge rainstorm on Sunday here, it flooded a bunch of the streets, and there were still 200 people at church. (Which is really impressive because almost none of them have cars, they all use public transport.) The elders said it was pretty small, so I’m going to have to readjust to having a big ward. 

Our apartment is a good bit smaller than the one we left behind. It’s kinda fun that way though. I feel like I’m finishing much the same way I started. I was on a top bunk, with my clothes in the broom closet for lack of space, and now I’m back in that top bunk, with clothes in a broom closet. From dust I was made and unto dust shall I return, or something like that. 

We’ve been super busy, and one thing we had was exchanges. Because of the situation we’re in with the quad squad, we have a tricky time figuring out exchanges, because here in Montréal normally one will swap places for the exchange, and both areas will get worked in, but with whichever way you work it out, one of Elder Holman or I would have to lead out an area, so I ended up leading an exchange with one of the zone leaders after being here for like 3 days, but it worked out. We had a good exchange. 

There is a program, it’s called my plan, that you do to prepare to go home. When I finish it I think it has me share it with you, bishop, and the stake president, but I’m not sure. 

I love you all a lot! Sorry if this is a little shorter, but I think I’be gotten busier and busier as time has gone on. Love you,

Elder Marsh 


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